Friday, June 24, 2011

ISU 10% Evolution of Media

The internet is a fast growing medium of media, starting out as a military program it grew into a wold wide network for every one to use,  holding a large variety of information the internet has grown meny differnt ways of communication and storing and shairing information, Email, FaceBook,Twitter,Myspace,MSN, and yahoo are meny differnt ways people can connect with others and shair information, Wikipedia is also a large massive information storage unit on the internet for others to add onto and learn from. starting from a simple cord connecting one computer to another then internet has grown into meny cords connecting to meny differnt cords and even into Wifi, Wireless Internet connection. making internet connecting faster and easier to reach, now information is just a click and type away from out brains, with Ipad and Ipod tuch or even Iphone. and Wifi. internet can almost be nabbed nearly every where exspet in places that dont support Wifi. but even then Cafe's are starting to grab into the wifi sensation to draw in more and more custimers as the yunger generation becomes more and more electronicly dependent. so the start of our Media is probly word of mouth.. grown onto words on paper, then from words on paper grew into the internet, and from a simple internet it grew into meny varrietys of connecting ways instead of just one. MSN, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter all hold a simmilar use but each very differnt in there own way. MSN you can connect and send files and play games with friends, but the games are a little bit basic, one facebook, you can post pictures and a link to the pic's and even play games, but ones that are a little more advanced then MSN, because FB games, supports millions of players online. Youtube, can also be a form of evolved media, from the TV to YOUTUBE! where all our old and new vidieos gather to be shaired and seen by every one around the world Youtue houses some older shows and other vids people just enjoyed making. even music has been posted on youtube just so people could try and download it, or even listien to in a playlist.

 media has grown greatly in resent years, from phone to cellphone from cellphone to Iphone, a cellphone with massive memory, tuch screan, and meny other functions

  even newspapers have been out dated, want the news, slip online, even your favorate newspaper has entered online, Toronto sun and brantfordexpositor are both online and can be probly nabbed faster then a newspaper.

these are just a few advancements in media we've stumbled across, more evolutions are HD tv and 3D tv, faster internet, or even better cellphones. parts of media are allways changing and evolving.

Monday, June 20, 2011

mini reviewzah

How to Train your Dragon starts out in a Viking village that is under attack by dragons. Hickup, in an attempt to help his village. hits the Nightfury a feared type of dragon with his machine, unfortunately for him, no one believes him. After the attack, Hickup’s father decides to send him to dragon slaying training, at first Hickup appears to be a failure. During his training, Hickup decides to prove to everyone that he killed the nightfury. When Hickup finds the Nightfury it is still alive, but he cannot bring himself to kill it, instead the two quickly befriend each other. When Hickup’s father discovers the Nightfury (now known as Toothless), he captures it and uses it to find the dragons layer to exact revenge upon the dragons. Having been taken there by Toothless himself, Hickup knows his father does not stand a chance, and enlists the help of his dragon slaying classmates to ride out on their own dragons in order to save the Vikings that went to the dragon’s nest. After saving his father from the mother dragon, dragons and Vikings began to coincide with one another. it was a very good movie and i loved it! animation was spectacular and the voice's for the caracters were very well done! its a wonderfull movie and i see it fit for all ages, and it should be seen by all.
In transit, after a weapons demonstration, Tony Stark is captured by a band of rebel soldiers in the Middle East. Tony is nearly killed during the capture, and is ordered by his captors to build them one of the missiles that he just demonstrated. He reluctantly agrees, and first creates a device to power the machine keeping him alive. Tony never intended to build the missile; instead he builds a suit to escape his prison. After escaping, Mr. Stark builds a new and better model of his suit and begins to destroy the weapons his company has been selling illegally without his knowledge. The second in charge of his company secretly recovered the remains of Tony’s old suit and builds his own improved version. In order to power it, he steals the new generator Tony made. Using his old generator, Tony fights, and ultimately kills, Jebediah. The media gives him the name of Iron Man, and in the following press conference, Tony’s ego gets the better of him and he tells the world that he is Iron Man. Robert Jr did a fantastic job in iron man, he brought hummor and action and i highly recomend any one who loves comidy and action mixed into a high metal action movie.
Sherlock Holmes starts with the Holmes and Watson finally closing in on and capturing murderer their latest case, who turns out to be Lord Blackwood. Not long after his capture, Blackwood is hung and Watson pronounces him dead. Mere days after the hanging, Blackwood seemingly rises from the dead and begins to kill those who stand in his way. In order to restore Watson’s reputation as a doctor, they set out to capture and expose Blackwood again. Using his powers of deduction, Sherlock Holmes manages to piece together what Blackwood’s plan is, the eradication of the parliament. With some help from a mysterious woman from his past (Irene Adler), Holmes manages to stop Blackwood’s plan. However Irene runs off with the poison that Blackwood was using, causing Holmes to give chase. When he catches her, Blackwood shows up to put an end to the both of them. Holmes then uses the opportunity to expose everyone of Blackwood’s tricks, and then inadvertently hang him. Later at his home, The police inform him that part of Blackwood’s poison machine was missing, and not the poison. It turns out that Dr. Moriati used Irene as a distraction so that he could steal the remote control trigger mechanism. a whitty comidy and very intulectual challange, the amazing and awesomely atractive Robert Jr leads us into the live of a well known detective that started out as a story book, with great acting Robert Jr launches Sherlock Holmes  in a highly action packed comidy where Brain faces a fauls dark magic and unmasks it for science! highly recomended by me for its comidy, action and great acting, Sherlock Holmes takes the cake of my favorate movie of all time.(for now)